Why Diversity Training Still Matters in 2023

diverse team of creative young employees chatting about their recent diversity trainingDespite great strides in raising awareness and implementing diversity programs in organizations, diversity training remains as pertinent in 2023 as ever. Changes in societal expectations, legal frameworks, and global business environments require organizations to continually adapt and ensure their workforce reflects the diversity in society. Below, we explore why diversity training continues to matter, its impact on work performance, and the improvements that can stem from such training initiatives.

The Evolving Landscape of Diversity

The business environment has become more diverse in terms of race, gender, culture, religion, and other demographics. As a result, organizations must be equipped to manage and harness this diversity effectively. Workplaces that fail to keep up with this evolving landscape risk becoming outdated and losing their competitive edge.

An example of this changing landscape is remote work’s advent and rise, especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. With remote work becoming increasingly commonplace, organizations are finding themselves dealing with teams that are dispersed geographically and culturally. As a result, the traditional understanding of workplace diversity has been expanded, necessitating a renewed focus on diversity training.

Impact of Diversity Training on Performance

Diversity training, when implemented correctly, has been shown to have a significant positive impact on individual and organizational performance. A 2020 meta-analysis by Laila H. Kalafatoglu and Tuğba Orten Tugrul revealed that DEI training has a small but significant impact on cognitive, affective, and skills-based outcomes in the participants (Kalafatoglu & Tugrul, 2020).

Diversity training can contribute to improved team collaboration, creativity, and decision-making. As an example, research by McKinsey & Company indicates that companies in the top quartile for gender or racial and ethnic diversity are more likely to have financial returns above their national industry medians (Hunt, Layton & Prince, 2015).

Improvements in Work Performance Due to Diversity Training

One of the most significant benefits of diversity training is that it can lead to improvements in work performance. A study published in the “Academy of Management Journal” found that diversity training can improve job performance, increase job satisfaction, and lower employee turnover (Bezrukova, Spell, Perry & Jehn, 2016).

Moreover, diversity training helps to create an inclusive work environment where all employees feel valued and respected, leading to improved morale, increased engagement, and higher productivity. For example, a 2018 Boston Consulting Group (BCG) study found that diverse teams reported higher levels of innovation and revenue generation (Lorenzo, Voigt, Tsusaka, Krentz & Abouzahr, 2018).

The Continuous Journey of Diversity Training

In 2023, diversity training will continue to be an essential tool for organizational success. The increasing diversification of the global workforce, facilitated by advancements in technology and changes in societal norms, has necessitated a continuous journey of learning and adaptation.

A practical example can be seen in multinational corporations (MNCs) such as Microsoft and Google, which have demonstrated commitment to diversity and inclusion by offering robust diversity training programs. These initiatives have improved workplace culture, innovation, and financial performance. Google’s rework initiative, for instance, has significantly enhanced workplace culture and productivity by focusing on unconscious bias training (Google, 2020).

Diversity Training and Innovation

Another compelling reason for continued investment in diversity and inclusion training is its correlation with innovation. A 2023 study by Catalyst, a nonprofit organization that promotes inclusive workplaces, found that companies with more diverse leadership outperformed peers in innovation and financial performance (Catalyst, 2023). The study attributed this to a variety of perspectives and ideas fostered by diversity training, contributing to novel solutions and strategies.

Challenges and the Way Forward

However, despite the considerable advantages, diversity equity and inclusion training is not without its challenges. Research has shown that not all diversity training programs are effective, and poorly designed programs can exacerbate biases and tension (Dobbin & Kalev, 2016). Therefore, organizations must adopt a holistic and continuous approach towards diversity training, incorporating it into a broader strategy for promoting diversity and inclusion.


In 2023, diversity training will remain as relevant as ever. As our understanding of diversity continues to evolve, so must our efforts to promote inclusivity and understanding in the workplace. Through careful implementation and consistent support, diversity training can enhance employee performance, foster innovation, and drive business success.

The continued relevance of diversity training in 2023 is undoubtable. As organizations strive to stay competitive in an increasingly diverse world, effective diversity training programs are critical.

For general information, or visit our website today; www.compliancetraininggroup.com 



Bezrukova, K., Spell, C. S., Perry, J. L., & Jehn, K. A. (2016). A meta-analytical integration of over 40 years of research on diversity training evaluation. Academy of Management Journal, 13(4), 1227-1244.

Hunt, V., Layton, D., & Prince, S. (2015). Diversity Matters. McKinsey & Company.

Kalafatoglu, L. H., & Tugrul, T. O. (2020). The effect of diversity training on individuals’ attitudes towards cultural diversity. Journal of Workplace Learning.

Lorenzo, R., Voigt, N., Tsusaka, M., Krentz, M., & Abouzahr, K. (2018). How Diverse Leadership Teams Boost Innovation. Boston Consulting Group.

Catalyst. (2023). Fostering Innovation Through a Diverse Workforce. Catalyst.

Dobbin, F., & Kalev, A. (2016). Why diversity programs fail. Harvard Business Review.

Google. (2020). Rework with Google. Google.

Microsoft. (2020). Microsoft Diversity & Inclusion Report 2020. Microsoft.

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